Obedece A La Morsa (Original) Agu1234 Subscribe Unsubscribe 0. 9 Feb 2008 2 321. Tweet Share on Facebook. HTML-code: Copy. 1: OBEDECE A LA MORSA! 2: LA LIEBRE Y LA BESTIA 3: INSOMNIO 4: LA MASA LO SABE 5: NO 6: HOLLY SHAMOW: EL TORO EN MI PIJAMA. 7: Ratatouille: La muerte de Remy 8: JUICY MARACA 9: LA PASION In order to see these videos, you need to see the backup channel here: According to many Spanish users on YouTube, the infamous Obey The Walrus video was actually created by a 27-year old male named, 'Jair. Goddess Bunny is actually a guy. His real name is Johnnie Baima and his 'stage' name is Sandie Crisp. Sandie Crisp seems to be the name he primarily uses whereas Goddess Bunny is simply a nickname. Obedece a la morsa es un club de travestis y ese que baila es uno pero tiene una enfermedad llamada poliomelitis.
Obedece A La Morsa Meaning English
Obedece A La Morsa (Original) Agu1234 Subscribe Unsubscribe 0. 9 Feb 2008 2 321. Tweet Share on Facebook. HTML-code: Copy. 1: OBEDECE A LA MORSA! 2: LA LIEBRE Y LA BESTIA 3: INSOMNIO 4: LA MASA LO SABE 5: NO 6: HOLLY SHAMOW: EL TORO EN MI PIJAMA. 7: Ratatouille: La muerte de Remy 8: JUICY MARACA 9: LA PASION In order to see these videos, you need to see the backup channel here: According to many Spanish users on YouTube, the infamous Obey The Walrus video was actually created by a 27-year old male named, 'Jair. Goddess Bunny is actually a guy. His real name is Johnnie Baima and his 'stage' name is Sandie Crisp. Sandie Crisp seems to be the name he primarily uses whereas Goddess Bunny is simply a nickname. Obedece a la morsa es un club de travestis y ese que baila es uno pero tiene una enfermedad llamada poliomelitis.